TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “are you on the clock?” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen discusses the economic impact of government unions in Illinois, talks to the guy who biked the entire perimeter of the Metra rail lines, and previews Fulton Fest. Paul Kersey– Director of Labor Policy at the Illinois Policy Institute How much are Illinois government unions costing taxpayers? We explore the impact of these unions on our state’s economic future. John Greenfield– Editor of Streetsblog Chicago Recently John biked the entire perimeter of Metra’s rail lines in order to better understand our region. He also wrote an article about it. We find out what he learned from his 4-day trek. John’s bike route around the Metra lines. Liz Valentine– Co-organizer of Fulton Fest We get a preview of this festival that showcases the Nearwest Side’s innovation. It takes place Friday, August 22, from 2-7pm on Fulton between Damen and Hoyne. OTL #410 local music provided by The Lemons…