Mike Stephen discusses the possibility of downstate Illinois seceding from Chicago with Ted McClelland of Chicago Magazine, learns about a new book called Bullets for Dead Hoods that gives us a look into local mobsters of the 1930s from curator John Corbett, and reviews an analysis of how the state has spent COVID-19 funds with ProPublica Illinois‘ Ash Ngu. And in the OTL Wrap Party segment, Mike and Producer Collin reflect on the show and discuss the need to be better about bridging the divide between northern and southern Illinois. The local pandemic tunez come from Away Team Forever. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page or RSS feed.
Mike Stephen continues the Winter Tavern Tour and stops by The Water Hole on Western Ave., discusses the possible impact of Amazon coming to the Pullman neighborhood, and learns the Secret History of blues guitarist Jimmy Johnson. This week the local music comes from Motel Breakfast. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Amazon bars Chicago bars Chicago Magazine Motel Breakfast Pullman Ted McClelland The Water Hole Winter Tavern Tour