OTL: Episode #182- Chicagologist History, Remembering Mike Rosenquist, Best Open Mics in Chicago

(podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “best open mic” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen gets a Chicago history lesson, remembers the life of an old friend, and discusses the Chicago open mic scene. Terry Gregory — The Self-Proclaimed “Chicagologist” and founder of Chicagology.com This site is a wealth of information on the history of Chicago during the 19th Century.  Terry tells us why he got this site started and some cool facts we can learn about our city. Scott Lucas— Lead Singer and Guitarist for Local H Recently we learned that Mike “Rosie” Rosenquist passed away.  Who is Rosie?  He was a lawyer working in Springfield and one of the behind-the-scenes guys for Chicago’s Local H.  He was also a childhood friend to OTL host Mike Stephen.  Scott and Mike share some memories of Rosie’s life.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Rosenquist family during this difficult time. Mike Rosenquist Britni Day — Contributor to Loud Loop Press Britni and some fellow writers came up with their list of the Top 10 Open Mics in Chicago.  She shares what she found during her travels around the city and talks about the local open mic scene. OTL #182 local music provided by Gold Motel…

OTL: Episode #178- Impact of CTA Service Cuts, Loud Loop Press on Local Music, Parking Ticket Geek Returns

(podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “loud outside the loop press” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen talks to the guys who figured out the impact (or lack thereof) of the CTA service cuts, discusses the Chicago music scene with a local blogger, and gets the latest on the red light camera saga from the Parking Ticket Geek. Luke Joyner and Max Shron — University of Chicago grads and the guys behind picturingtransit.com Have the cuts in service by the CTA really affected our commutes?  Luke and Max created a website about this issue and they tell us their findings. Richard Giraldi— Founder and Editor of Loud Loop Press Loud Loop Press aims to cover Chicago’s vast music scene all in one blog.  Richard discusses this massive task. The Parking Ticket Geek — OTL Parking Correspondent and Blogger at TheExpiredMeter.com The Parking Ticket Geek returns to the show to give us the lowdown on the push to get red light cameras out of IL and his take on the  five minute grace period for parking payboxes. OTL #178 local music provided by The Locals…