Mike Stephen learns about the first Green Dining Hub in Illinois with Takeout 25 founder Ravi Parakkat, previews the Inspired By You Fest with the owner of Muse Coffee Studio, George Davis, Jr., and uncovers the Secret History of local pianist Marshall Vente. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Mike Stephen sits down with Dr. Tyrone Williams, the Gilder Lehrman Illinois History Teacher of the Year and history teacher at Oak Park and River Forest High School, learns about supplying musicians with cool merch from Deb Sonzo and Jamie Riani, co-owners of Music Graphics Chicago, and gets an update on TIF districts in Chicago from Tom Tresser of the TIF Illumination Project. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 1 year ago Tagged Music Graphics Chicago Oak Park and River Forest High School teaching TIF Districts tom tresser Tyrone Williams
Mike Stephen explores whether or not Illinois is prepared for the impacts of climate change with Jen Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council, chats with solutions reporter at the Illinois Answers Project, Alex Nitkin, about the problems with the state’s cannabis industry, and discovers the Secret History of 1960s local garage band Society’s Children. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Alex Nitkin cannabis Climate Change environment Illinois Answers Project Illinois Environmental Council Jen Walling Society’s Children
Mike Stephen talks to local author Jessica Mlinaric about her new book, Chicago Scavenger: The Ultimate Search for Chicago’s Hidden Treasure, learns about Takeout 25’s new boxed water initiative from founder Ravi Parakkat, and discovers the Secret History of 1980s Chicago punk-rockers Poison Squirrel. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged Chicago Scavenger Jessica Mlinaric Poison Squirrel Ravi Parakkat Takeout 25