Mike Stephen learns about a new Chicago history podcast called Windy City Historians, recaps what Katie Sieracki learned after her aldermanic campaign in the 33rd Ward, and discovers the Secret History of late local blues talent Louis Myers. This week’s local music is brought to you by OIO. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Mike Stephen learns about a new independently-produced web series covering local politics called Chicago’s New Boss, gets the lowdown on variety of local Korean food options with Nick Kindelsperger of the Chicago Tribune, and discovers the Secret History of bassist Calvin “Fuzz” Jones. This week’s local music is brought to you by Mindswimmer. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged bass Blues Calvin Fuzz Jones Chicago Chicago Blues Chicago Podcast Chicago politics Chicago Radio Chicago Reader Chicago Tribune Chicago’s New Boss food journalism Korean food Mike Stephen Mindswimmer Nick Kindelsperger Plastic Crimewave politics Sean Raju Secret History of Chicago Music Steve Krakow WGN Winter Blues
Mike Stephen talks to outgoing Ald. John Arena (45th) about local political issues, discusses the proposed state progressive income tax and budget with David Merriman of the Fiscal Futures Project, and learns about the work of Sunrise Movement Chicago. The local music this week is powered by The Tentatives. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged Alderman budget Chicago Chicago Podcast Chicago politics Chicago Radio David Merriman environment Fiscal Futures Green New Deal John Arena Mike Stephen politics Sunrise Movement taxes The Tentatives UIC WGN
Mike Stephen drops by The Levee in Hermosa as part of the OTL Winter Tavern Tour, discusses the future of The Old Town School of Folk Music with CEO Jim Newcomb, and learns about the struggle of life outside the Cook County Jail with author and sociologist Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve. The local music this week is powered by Jan James. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 6 years ago Tagged bars Chicago Chicago bars Chicago Podcast Chicago Radio Cook County Jail Jim Newcomb Mike Stephen music Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve Old Town School of Folk Music The Levee The Waiting Room Warren Johnson WGN