Mike Stephen sits down with Dr. Tyrone Williams, the Gilder Lehrman Illinois History Teacher of the Year and history teacher at Oak Park and River Forest High School, learns about supplying musicians with cool merch from Deb Sonzo and Jamie Riani, co-owners of Music Graphics Chicago, and gets an update on TIF districts in Chicago from Tom Tresser of the TIF Illumination Project. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Mike Stephen gets an update on how the hospitality industry is doing during this stage of the pandemic and discusses Chicago Tavern Week with Mr. Chicago Bars, discusses teacher demoralization with Kenwood Academy teacher Dave Stieber, and learns the Secret History of nonagenarian blues bassist Bob Stroger. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 3 years ago Tagged Blues Bob Stroger Chicago bars Chicago Reader Dave Stieber Plastic Crimewave Secret History of Chicago Music Steve Krakow teaching
Mike Stephen learns about a new high school class on the Holocaust and genocide at Oak Park & River Forest High School, discusses the community importance of the Green Line, and discovers the Secret History of local funk band Pieces of Peace. This week’s local music is brought to you by Catho. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Catho cta Green Line Holocaust Mike Soffer Oak Park and River Forest High School Pieces of Peace teaching Transportation W.D. Floyd