TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “sustainable” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen gets a Twitter message from George Takei, talks to Ald. James Cappleman (46th) about issues in Uptown, checks in with the Chicago Underground Library on their 5th anniversary, and discusses local sustainable transportation with the co-founder of Mike gets a message from George Takei— When OTL host Mike Stephen followed George Takei on Twitter, he got a very naughty response. Was it a personal or automated message? Check out the back story on Mike and George on OTL #39. James Cappleman— Alderman of the 46th Ward Ald. Cappleman discusses his views on TIF districts, crime in Uptown, and his getting settled in his new job. Nell Taylor– Co-Founder of the Chicago Underground Library We get an update on the CUL as it turns 5 and find out how the blizzard of 2011 nearly shut it down. John Greenfield— Co-Founder of There’s a new blog covering local sustainable transportation issues. John talks to us about why he helped start the blog and why it’s important to Chicago. OTL #249 local music provided by Dirty Pigeons…
TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “licensed for liquor” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen chats with a candidate for alderman in the 46th Ward, previews some upcoming historical tours from Forgotten Chicago, and learns what it takes to get a liquor license in Chicago. James Cappleman — Candidate for alderman in the 46th Ward In 2007 James Cappleman lost to Helen Schiller in the race for alderman. He’s back this time around to tell us about the focus of his campaign and why he wants to join the Chicago City Council. Jacob Kaplan— Co-Founder of Forgotten Chicago Forgotten Chicago is a great website if you’re interested in Chicago history and infrastructure. There are some upcoming tours of the Pilsen/Little Village area and the Calumet River that Jacob previews this week. Lisa Arnett — Nightlife Producer for Metromix and Author of The Bottle Blond Blog What does it take to get a liquor license in Chicago? Lisa did some investigating and she shares what she found with us. OTL #197 local music provided by Otter Petter…
Posted 15 years ago Tagged Chicago blog Chicago media Chicago politics Chicago Radio Forgotten Chicago James Cappleman Lisa Arnett Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio WLUW
(podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “viral audio” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen discusses the rise of the Chicago Democratic Machine, tells us about his experience with random bar breakdancing, and talks to an Uptown resident about what the hell is happening in that neighborhood. Rich Lindberg – Local writer and author of The Gambler King of Clark Street We’ve all heard of the political Chicago Democratic Machine. But where exactly did it come from? Rich shines a new light on this topic. Rando Bar Breakdancing – You never know when you’re going to see it. Recently Mike was hanging out with friends at Mac’s bar on Division. Before they knew it they had front row seats to an impromptu dance-off! Mike rolled video on his cell phone camera… James Cappleman – Resident of Uptown and Board President of the Uptown Chicago Commission There has been some craziness in Uptown lately. From riots in the streets to angry residents chasing the Alderman out of a press conference, some might say, “What’s going on, Uptown?” We hear from a resident about the mood of the neighborhood and what he thinks needs to be done to unify the area. OTL #152 local music provided by Anni Rossi…
Posted 15 years ago Tagged Chicago blog Chicago media Chicago Radio James Cappleman Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio Rich Lindberg Uptown WLUW