Mike Stephen learns about tracking local public transit with cyberanalyst Brandon McFadden, discusses the impact of gun violence in Chicago communities with Cliff Nellis of the Lawndale Christian Legal Center, and discovers the Secret History of blues guitarist Linsey Alexander. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Mike Stephen learns about the CTA “ghost run” phenomenon from Streetsblog Chicago editor John Greenfield, discusses how many of us are choosing to go home early with Chicago Tribune reporter Josh Noel, and chats with local musician Jared Rabin about his new album. subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged bars Chicago Reader Chicago Tribune cta ghost run Jared Rabin john greenfield Josh Noel streetsblog chicago
Mike Stephen discusses the impact of the return of the 157 bus to the North Lawndale Community with Rochelle Jackson of the North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council, learns how Black business owners on the West Side are looking to the community for support instead of elected leaders with Vee Harrison of The Triibe, and explores the possibility of meaningful police reform in Chicago with Tracy Siska of the Chicago Justice Project. And in the OTL Wrap Party segment, Mike and Producer Collin give their takeaways from the show and ponder the glory of a salad bar. The local phase four music this week comes from Flake Michigan. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Chicago Justice Project Coronavirus COVID-19 cta Flake Michigan North Lawndale North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council Rochelle Jackson The Triibe Tracy Siska Vee Harrison
Mike Stephen learns about a new high school class on the Holocaust and genocide at Oak Park & River Forest High School, discusses the community importance of the Green Line, and discovers the Secret History of local funk band Pieces of Peace. This week’s local music is brought to you by Catho. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged Catho cta Green Line Holocaust Mike Soffer Oak Park and River Forest High School Pieces of Peace teaching Transportation W.D. Floyd