TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (broadcasting on the “baby-doo” radio station WGN-AM 720) Mike Stephen takes another look at unions and their influence on IL politics, previews Story Week Festival of Writers, and gets the lowdown on Chicago musician Baby Doo Caston. Frank Manzo– Policy Director, Illinois Economic Policy Institute We heard a lot of listener feedback on the topic of influence of unions on IL politics. This week we get another perspective on this issue. Eric May– Author and artistic director of Story Week Festival of Writers Columbia College presents this annual festival that celebrates the written word and the art of storytelling. We get a preview of this event that runs from March 15-21. Eric May discusses the upcoming Story Week Festival of Writers with Mike Stephen The Secret History of Chicago Music– Local music historian and artist Plastic Crimewave (aka: Steve Krakow) profiles 20th century Blues musician Baby Doo Caston in this week’s Chicago Reader. He gives us the lowdown on his musical contribution to Chicago. OTL #438 local music provided by Molehill…
TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “your Chicago” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen learns about local violence prevention in Chicago, talks to the president of the Chicago Writers Association, and pays a visit to the HQ of the Your Chicago Podcast. Lori Crowder– Executive Director of the Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO) Violence continues to plague Chicago. ALSO works with at-risk youth and focuses on community solutions to violence issues. We learn about this important work. Tori Collins– President of the Chicago Writers Association The CWA helps to foster community among Chicago’s writers through networking online, in-person, and special events. We get the lowdown on this organization. Arden Joy and Stefania Rudd– Co-hosts of Your Chicago Podcast Mike pays a visit to this fun podcast that features conversations with some very interesting Chicagoans. OTL #413 local music provided by Model Stranger…
Posted 10 years ago Tagged Chicago blog Chicago media Chicago Podcast Chicago Radio Chicago writers Chicago writing Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio WLUW
TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “30o is the new 50” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen celebrates the 300th episode of the show, learns about turning the El into an art gallery, airs a clip from Robert McChesney, and talks to the founder of Lake Claremont Press. Tristan Hummel— Founder of Art on Track On September 22nd, a 6-car CTA El train will become a mobile art gallery. We get a preview of the event this week. You can check out the event’s Kickstarter page HERE. Robert McChesney – Media reformer, professor of communication at U of I, founder of FreePress Since this is OTL’s 300th show, we take a look back at Mike’s first interview on the program. It’s a discussion about localism in our media. Sharon Woodhouse– Founder of Lake Claremont Press This local press has been publishing books on Chicago-specific topics since 1994. They have a great body of work and we hear about the origins of this fantastic press. OTL #300 local music provided by Hollows…
Posted 13 years ago Tagged Chicago blog Chicago media Chicago Podcast Chicago Radio Chicago writing Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio WLUW