Mike Stephen talks with: DNAinfo Chicago reporter/producer Heather Cherone about the CTA’s upcoming new buses and improved service and why Chicago aldermen were upset about not getting World Series tickets; BallotReady co-founder Alex Niemczewski about educating ourselves about political candidates and how she’s helping to make voting easier; and Active Transportation Alliance advocacy director Jim Merrell about proposing a riverfront bike trail for Chicago… with some of it possibly floating! Meanwhile, we realize that the city is still standing after the Cubs won the World Series, and we warn our listeners that businesses rewarding voters on election day is an illegal act. This week’s local music is provided by Pool Holograph. OTL host Mike Stephen is a Chicago Cubs lifer! #FlyTheW [photo circa 1980] To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Mike Stephen talks with: freelance reporter Lee V. Gaines about Cook County attempting to define “fine art” while going after small venues for supposed back amusement taxes; Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project executive director Dave Benjamin about how his organization is working to prevent drownings in Lake Michigan through education; and Studio Gang model shop co-workers Schuyler Smith and Lydia Meyer about the wheat they’re growing in their rooftop garden and where it ends up in the community. Meanwhile, via a listener tip, we run through some of the Chicago Transit Authority sounds featured on the Chicago “L”.org website. This week’s local music is provided by The FeverTones. OTL host Mike Stephen boats way out into Lake Michigan for his safe swimming practice. [photo circa 2008] To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed. Wait… that’s not Andy Hermann. (We love you, Illinois Entertainer!)
Posted 8 years ago Tagged Andy Hermann Chicago blog Chicago environment Chicago media Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio WGN
Mike Stephen talks with: Urban Coyote Research Program principal investigator Stanley Gehrt about wildlife ecology and the upswing of the Chicago coyote population; Wilson L Public Space Committee co-chair Julianne Scherer about the proposed Wilson Underline plan to beautify CTA space in Uptown; and The Farmessori urban farm coordinator Joe Phillips about teaching sustainability to students of the Near North Montessori School. Meanwhile, we play a voicemail from #1 OTL fan Mrs. Stephen… who was looking for her son at the Cubs game! This week’s local music is provided music provided by Gallery-81. OTL host Mike Stephen III’s son Mike Stephen IV is impressed with the goat roaming The Farmessori grounds of the Near North Montessori School. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 9 years ago Tagged Chicago environment Chicago media Chicago Podcast Chicago Radio cta Mike Stephen urban farm WGN
Mike Stephen talks with: CityLab staff writer Brentin Mock about the future of affordable housing in Chicago; Southeast Side Coalition to Ban Petcoke member Jim Kinney about how a toxic byproduct of petroleum processing is affecting city residents; and Local author/lecturer/screenwriter Adam Morgan about the “Best Chicago Novels by Neighborhood” (via Gapers Block). This week’s local music is provided by Low Swans. OTL host Mike Stephen practices for the show each week in a studio much like this one in a top-secret underground bunker. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 9 years ago Tagged Chicago blog Chicago environment Chicago literature Chicago media Chicago Podcast Chicago Radio environment Mike Stephen Outside the Loop Radio petcoke WGN