Mike Stephen boldly goes where OTL has never gone before with: Matt Young, Producer and cast member, Improvised Star Trek Podcast; Alejandro Riera, Media Relations Coordinator for Chicago Latino Film Festival, and; Emily Jane Powers, local musician in studio.  To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.

OTL: Episode #419- Chicago storyteller Jack Zimmerman, Local Star Trek hardcore music, Mike Loves Tacos

TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (broadcasting on the “Chicago stories” radio station WGN-AM 720) Mike Stephen talks tacos, visits with acclaimed local storyteller and author Jack Zimmerman, and debuts a new hardcore metal song about Star Trek: The Next Generation.   Jack Zimmerman– Chicago author and storyteller One of the most unique storytellers in Chicago drops by the studio to chat about his life, his work, and his new book: Cooked. Jack Zimmerman and Mike Stephen in the WGN Allstate Showcase Studio    Collin Seaman & T.J. Martin– Band members of TNG Take Star Trek: The Next Generation and add hardcore metal.  The result is TNG.  We go on-location to Backhouse Productions in Glendale Heights, IL and get a behind the scenes look at the latest song: “Up the Long Ladder.”  Check out the behind-the-scenes making of the song HERE.  T.J. Martin, Mike Stephen, and Collin Seaman lay down sweet vocals on TNG’s “Up the Long Ladder.”   Mike Loves Tacos– He really does. The latest edition of this Chicago-centric taco series is online HERE.  Mike wakes up his guest John Berka to reflect on his time eating tacos on camera at El Asadero in Lincoln Square (2213 W. Montrose). John Berka and Mike Stephen eat tacos at El Asadero in Lincoln Square.     OTL #419 local music provided by The Artist Formerly Known As Vince…

OTL: Episode #412- Green Chicago Restaurant Coalition, Losers web series, Crowdsourcing meals for a month finale

TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “green coalition” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen learns about the Green Chicago Restaurant Coalition, previews the “Losers” web series, and gets an update from a local who crowdsourced every meal in August.   Eloise Karlatiris– President and CEO of the Green Chicago Restaurant Coalition We learn about this organization that helps Chicago restaurants reduce their environmental footprint.       Fred Pelzer– Creator of the web series Losers This new locally-produced web series deals with those times in our lives when we just don’t make it.  A new episode is released every Wednesday, so check it out!         Kurt Vanderah– Resident of NW Indiana who crowdsourced his meals for August Kurt hasn’t been eating well for a few decades.  He decided enough is enough and he turned to us to help him eat healthier in August.  We find out how it went.         OTL #412 local music provided by The Kuhls…  

OTL: Episode #409- Chicago’s food journalism, A local YouTube star, We’ll Sing a Song with Ella Jenkins

TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “you sing a song, I sing a song” radio station WLUW-FM (88.7) Chicago) Mike Stephen discusses the state of Chicago’s food journalism, talks to a local YouTube star, and learns about a documentary about Ella Jenkins that is in pre-production.   Mike Gebert– Local food writer and creator of “Sky Full of Bacon“ Chicago has a wonderful food scene, but how do we fair when it comes to food journalism?  We hear Mike’s opinion.       Blake Grigsby– DePaul University junior, local actor, comedian, and YouTube star We hear how this college student has gained millions viewers through his work on YouTube.     Blake in his Kiss Me, I’m Desperate video.     Tim Ferrin– Director & Producer of Ella Jenkins: We’ll Sing a Song Together Ella Jenkins is the first lady of children’s music and she turned 90 last week.  This week we learn about efforts underway to make a documentary about her incredible life.           OTL #409 local music provided by Tea Tsunami…