Mike Stephen gets an update on the impact of TIF districts on Chicago neighborhoods over the past year with Tom Tresser, co-founder of The CivicLab, and then re-airs a conversation with Illinois native Kevin Jakubowski, the screenwriter of the Holiday film 8-Bit Christmas. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Mike Stephen gets an update on organizing for a more fair Chicago, especially with regard to TIF districts, with civic educator and co-founder of The CivicLab Tom Tresser and discusses the important educational work of The Legacy Project with its founder and executive director Victor Salvo. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Posted 2 years ago Tagged LGBTQ Pride Month The Legacy Project TIF Districts TIFs tom tresser Victor Salvo
Mike Stephen discusses the future of media and democracy with Nikki Usher, associate professor of journalism at the University of Illinois and author of News for the Rich, White, and Blue: How Place and Power Distort American Journalism, and talks to civic educator and public defender Tom Tresser about the latest in the Chicago TIF saga. And in the OTL Wrap Party, Mike and Producer Collin give some love to media and democracy. Yay, democracy! To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our Apple Podcasts Page, Spotify, or our RSS feed.
Mike Stephen learns about the money spent to incarcerate residents in certain neighborhoods with Dan Cooper, co-author of the book The War on Neighborhoods: Policing, Prison, and Punishment in a Divided City, discusses how the pandemic impacts recycling with Michelle Thoma, president of the Chicago Recycling Coalition, and examines the impact of TIF districts on minority communities in Chicago with Tom Tresser, co-founder of CivicLab. And in the OTL Wrap Party segment, Mike and Producer Collin chat about the notion of defunding the police. The local quarantine music this week comes from Midnight Dice. To subscribe to the OTL podcast, please visit our iTunes page or RSS feed.
Posted 4 years ago Tagged Chicago Recycling Coalition CivicLab Dan Cooper Metropolitan Planning Council Michelle Thoma Midnight Dice TIF District tom tresser