OTL: Episode #33

(podcasting “from” the grounds of the old Rainbo roller rink) (broadcasting on the 100-watt genetically engineered spider bite WLUW 88.7-FM Chicago) Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann learn about the changing royalty rates for music webcasting, they receive the best online referral ever, and then they listen to a report filed from the Chicago Improv Festival. 2002 WLUW Indie Rock Prom; Mike’s scary memories of WLUW’s event at the Rainbo Daniel McSwain – Music Director, AccuRadio; on webcasting royalty rates, and SaveNetRadio the best OTL website referral yet; promotion code for sybaris pool suites Justin Kaufmann – performer, Schadenfreude; pantsless at the final night of the Chicago Improv Festival (segue music this week by oh my god)