(podcasting “from” the Walnut Room) Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann talk music and blogging in Chicago, they play a clip of an 11 year-old fronting Mike’s band, and then it’s another fantastic “Someone You Should Know” segment. Monica Kendrick – Chicago Reader staff writer; on music and blogging at ChicagoReader.com Noah – cool 11 year old dude; fronting Mike’s band Detagoh at a benefit for AACTION Jason Mathews – thePhatPhree.com writer; another “Someone You Should Know” segment
HAPPY THANKSGIVING !! (podcasting “from” the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant) Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann come up with another “Someone You Should Know” segment, they give thanks in the spirit of the season, and then they discuss the tragedy of Bell’s beer leaving Illinois. Jenni Prokopy – ChronicBabe.com; another “Someone You Should Know” segment Mike & Andy Give Thanks; our special Thanksgiving Day segment Josh Noel – Chicago Tribune staff reporter; on Bell’s Beer leaving Illinois
Posted 18 years ago Tagged
(podcasting “from” the Lincoln Park Zoo monkey house) Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann learn about establishing a viable third political party in Illinois, Mike’s mom weighs in on the Pants-Off Dance-Off campaign, and then it’s exclusive audio from Andy’s recent party. Phil Huckelberry – Illinois Green Party co-chair; on becoming a viable political party statewide Pants-Off Dance-Off campaign; Mike’s mom throws in her two cents Andy’s party; a really good time was had by all
Posted 18 years ago Tagged
(podcasting “from” the Pulaski Park fieldhouse basement) Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann continue their Pants-Off Dance-Off campaign, learn about CivicFootprint.org, discuss the upcoming election, and receive their first OTL voicemail. Pants-Off Dance-Off campaign; approved by Mike’s girlfriend… and his mom too! Ben Helphand – CivicFootprint.org; a great Chicago community resource Jack Smith – Loyola U. prof and former D.C. CBS News Bureau Chief; on the upcoming election OTL Voicemail; we receive our first audio “feedback”
Posted 18 years ago Tagged